
Which is the best business with low investment?


Many people would like to start businesses by shy off because the investment it requires restraints on them.   It should not deter you from starting your business because a broader search will reveal ideas that can earn your profits without the need for much funding.

You may not get a clear cut answer on which is the best business with low investment because it depends on your passion but here are three viable options.

  1. Freelancing

Freelancing is a top low investment business idea if you have access to a computer with an internet connection.  You can be a freelancer seller of service relating to your set of skills and people are willing to pay for it. These are some of the skills that have been helping many to earn by freelancing:

  • Writing
  • Designing
  • Web development
  • Photography
  • Fitness training
  • House cleaning

How will people know about your abilities? You can sell your service through online freelancing portals like, Fivver or Upwork. They have many clients looking for service providers with particular skills and will let many people see your profile and consider hiring you.

The top advantage of freelancing is that it best premium writing services requires minimal investment and the risk is quite low. Besides, you work at your time because the hours are flexible and keep all the profits without overheads.  The platform only charges a commission.

  1. Sell used products

Digital marketplaces have brought an alternative to selling old stuff in pawn shops. You can sell them online and make money from that. You can use the money to start a business targeting people who do not have time to look for such stuff but are ready to buy at an extra fee for online purchase and shipping.  You can visit various garage sales and pawn shops to purchase items that can attract customers and sell them at a profit on the internet.

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Create digital courses or products

The internet enables you to pass knowledge in an area where you possess the specific expertise to people around the world.   You can turn your life experience into a business by becoming an on online life coach.  You can earn profits if you set up the appropriate process of coaching and marketing your business to keep getting new clients. The greatest thing is that most of the time you can sign on at your fitting time if you are at a place with a computer and internet access.

Digital products including music, templates, and courses are some of the best businesses to start online with low investment because they mostly require your skills and knowledge. These products are not tangible which works to your advantage. They do not cause recurring costs from manufacturing procedures and shipping thus the profit margins can stay high. The trick is to figure out the things that make for a superb digital product. It should be something that people find useful enough and will be willing to download it for a specific amount.

Learn how to improve the business as you grow to determine the upgrades and changes that you can make to improve profitability.